The Jusos

Dear visitors!

Welcome to the website of Jusos OWL. Thank you for your interest in our organization and its political work.

The Jusos is more than the youth organisation of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). Our goal is to promote the values of democratic socialism and to represent the interests of our generation.

Looking back on 100 years of history we have always been fighting for equal opportunities in our society and for our generation. We see our task in forming a link between social democracy as represented by the SPD and civil society that fights for similar ideals. In our political work, we combine our believes with the challenges of modern times, both nationally and internationally.

International solidarity and democratic socialism have ever remained – and still are – fundamental issues for the Jusos. As an active member of the International Union of Socialst Youth (IUSY) and the European Community Organisation of Socialist Youth (ECOSY) we are commited together with our partners worldwide to put into practice and defend the ideals of democratic socialism.

More questions?

If you have more questions or want to cooperate with Jusos Neumarkt more closely, we are looking forward to your email at jens.vogel(at)! You can also send a letter to [Jusos OWL, Arndtstr. 6- 8, 33602 Bielefeld, Germany].

We hope you enjoy browsing the pages.